Friday, February 19, 2010

Hooked anti-smoking ads

This poster, part of the “Get Unhooked” campaign launched by the British Government to encourage the public to quit smoking, shows smokers’ faces being hooked with fish hooks to illustrate how they were “hooked” on cigarettes.

This campaign generated record objections from the public complaining that the images were offensive and scary especially for children. However, the Department of Health said that this campaign had been highly effective, as the number of people who had contacted the Department during that campaign had risen exponentially.

This ad was designed to make smokers realize that their addiction to smoking is controlling them and it is necessary to confront this addiction if they really want to break the habit. By using the hook metaphor, it is true that they are using elements that contain violence and disturbing images, but at the same time is effective to impact the conscience of smokers with the right tools, who otherwise wouldn´t receive the message with the same clarity. I consider the ad appropriate because the final goal is to protect people from the damaging effects of smoking.

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